Charity night raises money for Lexi

Coral Redpath and Zoe Bicker presented cheques totalling £3200:00, proceeds form a  Charity Pub Quiz and Sponsored Walk, to Heather Greer towards Lexi's Wheelchair Fund and Cancer Research UK included helping to hold the cheques is Lexi  © Edward Byrne Photography INBL19-200EBCoral Redpath and Zoe Bicker presented cheques totalling £3200:00, proceeds form a  Charity Pub Quiz and Sponsored Walk, to Heather Greer towards Lexi's Wheelchair Fund and Cancer Research UK included helping to hold the cheques is Lexi  © Edward Byrne Photography INBL19-200EB
Coral Redpath and Zoe Bicker presented cheques totalling £3200:00, proceeds form a Charity Pub Quiz and Sponsored Walk, to Heather Greer towards Lexi's Wheelchair Fund and Cancer Research UK included helping to hold the cheques is Lexi © Edward Byrne Photography INBL19-200EB
The mother of three-year-old Scarva girl Lexi Graham has said she is overwhelmed by the support from the local community, who are helping to raise money to buy Lexi a new wheelchair.

Lexi, who has Spina Bifida, and her family are finding it difficult to operate and manoeuvre her bulky wheelchair and they are hoping to raise enough money to buy her a smaller, lighter model.

To help with the fundraising effort, local women Zoe Bicker and Coral Redpath, organised a pub quiz and sponsored walk in the Park Inn in Scarva.

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“This is the third year we have organised the charity quiz and disco in aid of Cancer Research UK and we decided this year we would also split the proceeds with the fund for a wheelchair for Lexi,” explained Zoe.

“The week before our event, Lexi’s mother Heather held a sponsored walk from Scarva to Poyntzpass and the money raised from that was split between the two causes as well.”

The two events raised a fantastic total of ÂŁ3,200, which was split evenly between the wheelchair fund and Cancer Research UK.

Lexi’s mother, Heather, thanked everyone for generously supporting the events.

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“The community have been fantastic,” said Heather. “I could cry because people work so hard to give their hard earned money to us.

“People are so generous, especially in times like this. So many people have given money and we would never have been able to afford a new wheelchair on our own.

“We are still talking with the physios but we want to get a wheelchair that is lighter and more easy for us to handle.” Zoe would also like to thank everyone who helped with the fundraising drive.

“I would like to thank everyone who was involved and came along to the events,” she said.

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“We had a lot of support from local businesses, who donated raffle prizes. Everyone has been very kind.

“We have been overwhelmed by the support every year.

“These are two great causes. Everyone in Scarva knows Lexi and want to help.

“Everyone really enjoyed themselves and it is definitely something we want to do again next year and hopefully it will be even bigger.”

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