Embrace where you are now, the best is yet to be

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Church news
“Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings and not one of them is forgotten before God.” Luke 12:6

We often talk to ourselves subconsciously

Again, pondering why things are so,

Just keep doing what you know is right

Don’t let your wounded feelings grow.

As your peace has already been purchased

There’s no need to dwell on negativity,

Embrace the place where you are now

Believe the best is yet to be.

We never know what waits at the turning

Meanwhile, let’s trust God as we should,

Perhaps some day when you least expect

You’ll see things moving towards your good.

Though sometimes the way seems lonely

Let’s be thankful we have a friend,

The one who sees each sparrow fall

Will be with you until the end.

- Doreen Craig