Flower Show supports charity

Kilrea Flower Show present £1000 to Air Ambulance NI (FROM LEFT) Maud Steele Chairperson, Jennifer Gardiner President Kilrea WI, Evelyn Kelso Treasurer, Dr Campbell Brown Air Ambulance NI, Elizabeth Moon Vice Chairperson, Sharon Moon Treasurer, Ann Laughlin SecretaryKilrea Flower Show present £1000 to Air Ambulance NI (FROM LEFT) Maud Steele Chairperson, Jennifer Gardiner President Kilrea WI, Evelyn Kelso Treasurer, Dr Campbell Brown Air Ambulance NI, Elizabeth Moon Vice Chairperson, Sharon Moon Treasurer, Ann Laughlin Secretary
Kilrea Flower Show present £1000 to Air Ambulance NI (FROM LEFT) Maud Steele Chairperson, Jennifer Gardiner President Kilrea WI, Evelyn Kelso Treasurer, Dr Campbell Brown Air Ambulance NI, Elizabeth Moon Vice Chairperson, Sharon Moon Treasurer, Ann Laughlin Secretary
Kilrea WI annual Flower Show sadly has been cancelled for the last two years during the Covid 19 pandemic.

For over 70 years, profits from the Show have supported local charities, so the committee has been very keen to continue that support even without the Show taking place.

All the members of Kilrea WI and friends very generously gave monetary donations and a cheque for £1,000 was presented recently to the Air Ambulance NI.

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